現在、「Reeder for Mac」からRSSフィードが正常に取得できないという人はいないだろうか。その原因は恐らくFeedly。というのも、現在Feedlyは何者かによってDDoS攻撃を受けていると報告している!
Feedlyの公式ブログに「Denial of service attack」というタイトルでこの攻撃について書かれている。少なくとも個人のデータに関しては安全な状態を保つことができているようで、攻撃を抑えることができ次第、これまで通りFeedlyにアクセスできるようになるとのこと。
The service is under a denial of service attack. We are working with our network provider to deflect it. Sorry for the inconvenience.
— feedly (@feedly) 2014, 6月 11
2:04am PST – Criminals are attacking feedly with a distributed denial of service attack (DDoS). The attacker is trying to extort us money to make it stop. We refused to give in and are working with our network providers to mitigate the attack as best as we can.
We are working in parallel with other victims of the same group and with law enforcement.
We want to apologize for the inconvenience. Please know that you data is safe and you will be able to re-access your feedly as soon as the attack is neutralized.
We will update this blog post as soon as we have more information.
Thank you.
/Edwin and Seb
6:25am PST – We’re making some changes to our infrastructure that will allow us to bring feedly back online. However, these things take some time to put into place and it may still be a few more hours before service is restored. Thank you so much for your patience and for sticking with us. Remember, none of your data was compromised or lost in this attack.