スティーブ・バルマー本人も「Windows Vistaは最大の後悔」であると発言!
【img via Windows Vista and Office 2007 by liewcf】
Business Insiderによると、スティーブ・バルマー本人も「Windows Vistaは最大の後悔」であると発言したと報じている!
Oh, you know, I’ve actually had a chance to make a lot of mistakes, and probably because, you know, people all want to focus in on period A, period B, but I would say probably the thing I regret most is the, what shall I call it, the loopedy-loo that we did that was sort of Longhorn to Vista. I would say that’s probably the thing I regret most. And, you know, there are side effects of that when you tie up a big team to do something that doesn’t prove out to be as valuable.
スティーブ・バルマー氏、1年位内に引退することが決定!Microsoftが正式に発表! | gori.me